Monday, September 6, 2010


Weight 136.8 (-.6) Hallelujah!!!

Well it looks like the sunbathing yesterday didn't bother me. Go figure! That is supposed to make me gain, but not the steak? Hmmmm. I always knew I was different! LOL

FINALLY I'm not 137! I was that weight for 10 days!! (mostly because my 4 day interruption.) But I'm SOO glad to not see that number anymore! Good riddance!
I'm down .6, which brings me to 136.8 YAY! I love new numbers. Almost to my first goal of 135, and closer to my ULTIMATE goal
So I don't know what was with the .4 increase yesterday. It still bothers me I don't know what I did to gain. I wouldn't think the steak would cause it, but ya never know!

A little funny side note...I'm filling out new a medical insurance form and I got a kick out of it because I got to put my new weight for the first time! and this....
In the last 12 months, has any applicant experienced a weight gain or loss of 15 pounds or more?
Ummm yeah! How 'bout in the last 21 days!!
The littlest things amuse me!

I talked my friend into meeting for coffee instead of lunch today, (she doesn't know I'm on this diet) so we went to Starbucks. Oh! the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back!! My ultimate FAVE! But I stuck to my guns, and had green tea instead! Of course after telling her how good it was, she ordered it! LOL and a yummmmy looking muffin. It's okay, my size 6's are feeling lose and in 6 days that latte mine!!

I haven't been hungry at all. I've actually been forgetting to eat. Gotta love that!

Bfast - Coffee 2 T milk & Vanilla Cream Stevia (2 droppers)
Hot Green Tea w/Zylitol (3)

Lunch - Sliders (hamburgers w/mustard on cucumber "buns") Seriously my favorite meal!
1/2 Cucumber
1 Grissini
1 Cup of Strawberries w/Zylitol (1) sprinkled on it. (Yum!)

Dinner - 3.5 ounces of Grilled Chicken w/ liquid smoke & Franks
6 ounces of Asparagus
1/2 an apple

Calories - 470
Water - 145 ounces

WOW! I was seriously close to 500 today and almost went over. I'm really glad I put my calories in fitday before dinner. Those Zylitol calories add up! (10 cals a pkt) I had 4 today!

Speaking of Zylitol, I may be one of those that can't stomach it. Unless it was the smooth move and Mag. Or maybe the combo. I'll have to retest it in a few days. I love it though, so I hope it's not an issue.


  1. So, so happy for you!! You are soooooo close to your goal. Congrats!!

    You look maavalous!!

  2. Did your friend make a comment on your weight loss? I sure hope so --- y

  3. Yes, she did say I looked really good and lost weight. Thankfully she didn't ask HOW! :)
