Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 3 VLCD 148.2 (-1.6)

I am so happy to see the scale move down again! That is a bigger loss than I was expecting.

I should be in a great mood, but my lunch today was totally disgusting. I miss my breakfasts. AND coffee. To top it off, everyone at church had a cup of coffee and choc chip cookies. The nerve!

I am still totally grateful and thankful that I lost 1.6 lbs though! It IS totally worth it. :)

Since we were going to church at 11:00, I thought I'd have my veggie and fruit before we left, and have my Grissini and protein when we got back around 1:30.

Lunch was a disaster. I was trying to do something different. I miss my green smoothies, so I made one with just a handful of spinach and strawberries. It was really gross. I even added Stevia. I need a banana! Since I can't have one, I thought I'd just have a spinach - strawberry salad. Looks delish huh?

It was gross. I can't eat lettuce or spinach without dressing and I'm really not too hip on vinegar. I sprinkled some lemon and vinegar and thought, with the strawberries it might be tasty. Nope! It tasted like I was chewing on a bush. Yuck!
So I cooked down the spinach a little. Only it ended up being a lot. I over cooked it and it was really chewy! The strawberries were tasty though. :)

After church I was pretty hungry. I couldn't wait to eat. I made my ground chicken breast patty seasoned with Tony Chacherees. I must have overcooked that too! It tasted like plastic. Really. It did. I had to put a little bit of salsa on it, just to choke it down.

As bad as my cooking has gone today, I'm really not looking forward to dinner for a change!

I have been feeling really good today. I have lots of energy and I'm not hungry. I'm feeling a lot more confident about this diet.

Dinner -
Was much better! It was delish!

Grilled Burger (organic grass-fed)
Asparagus lightly sprayed with Braggs. Mmmmmm!
Apple sprinkled with cinnamon

To stay on this diet, you really have to enjoy the food and aside from today, I really have. Tomorrow I'd like to try the Chili. I need to go get more of those delicious tomatoes!

I am also going to pick up the flavored Stevia drops. My Stevia is powder and it has a very bitter taste. The drops are expensive, but if it saves me from a sweet tooth, it's worth it. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to use it in my coffee. I'm not sure I can drink it on just a TBS of milk though. :(

Total Daily Calories - 497 Water - 120 ounces

Today was a success!

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