Thursday, August 5, 2010

Load Day 2

Weight - 152.4 (+1.8)

I hope this is just a fluke. I woke up at 4 am. STARVING. Not just a little hungry, but the kind of hungry you get when you feel like you are going to throw up! I took my drops and went back to bed.

Today I loaded up the best I could, trying to find foods that contains high fats. (This is so weird to me. I can't believe I'm doing this.) From what I've been told, the better you do in the load days, the less hungry you are when you start the low calorie diet.

B-fast - Egg & Bacon McMuffin
Sm Mocha Frapachino

I was out all morning and starving for lunch! But I had to go home and take my drops first! On the rare occasion I splurge, a b-fast like this keeps me full much longer. I try not to think to much about it. I need to eat!

Lunch - Cheeseburger (Out of habit, I said hold the mayo, but remembered to add fat, so I did and got mayo on it. Wow! It was good! I didn't know what I had been missing.)
What's a cheeseburger without french fries? So I had that too and a coke.

Ugh Oh, a few hrs later and I'm hungry! What is up with this?? I'm used to eating waaaay less and not being hungry at all. What is going on??

Snack -Had a snickers. Yuck!!!! Ugh! Can't WAIT to start eating clean again.

I was worried a wouldn't be hungry for dinner just a few hrs later. Ummm. No. That wasn't a problem. What is going on? Why am I hungry on a load day??? Not to mention after gorging myself!

Girls Night Out! My favorite.....Mexican Food!

Dinner - Chips & Salsa, margarita (I know it's not fat, but why not? ;)
Fajita beef taco, refried beans, and rice. There. That ought to hold off my hunger for the night.

I can't believe this! A few hours later and my stomach is GROWLING! What is going on? I'm really, really concerned and worried and nervous about my first VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) tomorrow!

I don't do hungry well. I get shaky and nauseous, and grumpy! I hope this diet works for me! I have sacrificed my training and my races, and gaining weight!!
It works for so many others. It would be my luck. Have I said I'm nervous? I am. Especially after gaining 1.8 lbs! Because I know my body, and it will not let them go.

Time to eat again! SOMEONE ate the last of the ice cream! :( I guess chips and guacamole will have to do. It doesn't take much and I'm full.

I'm nervous about what tomorrow will bring!

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