Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LOVIN' This Diet!

So the fear of weighing was not needed. I dropped another 1.6 lbs! Adios baby!

Woo hoo! Can't believe I'm on day 6!

Day 6 VLCD 145.6 (-1.6) 5 lbs loss total - just 5 days!

Today was the first day I didn't wake up hungry. Maybe dosing a few more drops a day is what I needed. I'm hungry now, but haven't had any water yet either. I dosed 15 drops instead of 10. We will see how that works.

I'm excited about this diet. I can't believe it really works. The scale has NEVER moved for me before. No matter what I did....yeast free, green smoothies, low carb, raw food, whole foods.....

This is a miracle to me. SO worth being hungry and a little grumpy at times (don't ask my family about the latter one, they may not agree. ;) ). If it can really reset my hypothalamus....whooot!

I fit into a pair of shorts today that I purchased a few months ago and was never able to wear because they were really binding. They fit very comfortably today! What a difference 5 lbs makes!

Another great thing is I'm getting that euphoric feeling everyone is talking about.

I thought lunch today was going to be another disaster. I wanted to make my faux omlette but I found out salsa is not Protocol, so it was recommended I try hot sauce. I've never tried it before, but was willing to. I started cooking the eggs in a little bit of water so they won't burn and I'm thinking this is going to be discusting. So I then find out I'm out of spinach. GREAT.
I finish making it anyway and sprinkled hot sauce and Tony Chacherees on it. OMG! It was really good. I ate my Grissini with it, in between bites and it was quite satisfying and filling!


1 whole egg/2 whites scrambled w/hot sauce and seasoning
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Grapefuit

Still not hungry! Yay!


3.5 ounces Grilled Chicken with Franks Hot Sauce (Mmmm that is going to be a regular)
5 ounces Asparagus
1 cup of strawberries
Hot tea

Increasing the drops to 3x15 worked really well for me today. I was hardly hungry and filled up quickly. My meals were really yummy today. Can't wait to have eggs again next week!

Calories - 435 - Only 435 calories and I wasn't hungry!
Water - 144 ounces

I'm excited to weigh in the morning. :)

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