Saturday, August 21, 2010

Missing Exercise

Day 15 VLCD 140.8 (-.4) nearly 10 lbs lost pre load/13 lost post load!

I'm really starting to miss exercise. It's such a big part of my life, I never thought I'd say that, and it's probably because I can't, but I can't wait to get back to my heavy training workouts.

I went through my closet and I'm so excited I can wear all the things that used to be way too small. The great thing is, they look good and many of them are loose! I cannot wait to go clothes shopping after this!

Okay, meals are getting boring, but they work, so I'll keep my whining to a minimum.

Lunch -

Grilled Chicken
1 Grissini
1/2 Grapefruit

Dinner -

Diced Tomato

Hot tea with 1 TBS milk

Dinner was the worst! I had to prepare it ahead of time though and take it to the football fields, and it was the quickest and easiest thing I could think of and it filled me up. So there you have it!

One great thing about this diet it, it really takes the focus off the food. Really food right now is just to fuel me, not necessarily to enjoy. Though I DO enjoy most meals. I'm not as concerned with my meals. I hope this falls over into P3 & P4!

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